i'm looking at my website and my collection of work and thinking, things have seemingly stopped... but they haven't really... let me catch you up on happenings since my last post in june (wow, june?)!
i dyed the ends of my hair blue.
i spent about 3-4 days hunched over my kitchen table like a mad scientist building the hypnocube. it mostly works :).
i got knocked up. due march 26, whaaaat! we just found out we're having a girl. excited to meet her!
i painted some custom lettering for a licensing agreement (stay tuned...i'm supposed to know something very sooooon on that!)
i got a big promotion at work... i now lead a team of photolithography engineers and technicians.
i have made a few etsy sales here and there along the way (up to 24 total, yay!!), despite my lack of effort to promote my work. i'm so glad someone is finding it and loving it...you guys encourage me so much even if i'm silent about it on the internet!
a store in michigan (rail & anchor!) spontaneously found me through etsy and placed a wholesale order!!
i dyed the ends of my hair purple.
i think that about takes us to the present. i'm slowly getting a giant belly, i'm still playing harp, still teaching piano, but i've lacked the energy and time to paint for TYLRE. i have so many ideas, i can't wait to put them into tangible form and share them... i've just got a lot of other crazy stuff going on right now and haven't been as energized or focused.