tyler not tylre

lately i've been caught in a pretty fun and stressful swirl of new product creation, product/sample receiving, design adjusting, painting painting painting, oh and of course that incessant mother/wife/friend/daughter-ing that i love so! more than usual it has been a chore to make some time to focus on just enjoying things i enjoy without some kind of pressure to deliver on a deadline or meet a certain (self-imposed) goal.

tuesdays and thursdays, though, i have ballet and it's such a wonderful release. i started a few years ago, i'm not very good at all, but i couldn't love it more. we have an amaaaaaazing teacher who just blows me away with her ability to demonstrate and break down every little thing she asks us to do. i love her ability to keep our adult class serious but light-hearted and inviting.

back in 2012 i started playing harp and taking lessons. i played lever harp for almost a year before taking the plunge and buying myself a glorious concert grand pedal harp. but a little over a year ago, my work as an engineer was SO stressful, i would barely make it to lessons on time after work, and i decided to stop my lessons in preparation for silence's arrival since i had no idea what to expect becoming a mother. i do still play a little from time to time, but especially with NSS stuff recently i haven't had the time to practice regularly. and for some reason it has been easier for me to sit down at the piano and practice because i can plop silence in my lap while i play and not worry as much about her falling forward to her doom as if i were playing harp with her. but! i'm excited to say i also registered at the music school where i had been taking lessons and will resume with my beyond fabulous teacher in july! i cannot wait.

man i am lucky to have so many wonderful teachers in my life! thinking back to my former bosses and workmates in engineering...ugh, i miss them. i really just love learning, making things, solving problems... and i love teaching people things. as challenging as it could be at times, i really loved being a manager at work because i genuinely love sharing what i know with people. for now, i'll pour all my teaching energy into silence. she's saying a bunch of words now, mixed with a bunch of incoherent babbling, i cannot wait. we're on the cusp of being able to communicate easily!!! i cannot wait to speak french with her!!!!!! aaaahhh!!!! anyway. 

i have so many ideas for new things i want to paint, so many card designs i didn't finish in time for NSS, music i want to compose, music i want to learn to play... i'm excited to start spending some of silence's naps doing that instead of exclusively spending that time painting for the stationery show.