NSS - little update!

I had such a good time at NSS... Thank you everyone who came by my booth and gave me positive feedback and encouragement! It's waaaay outside my comfort zone to be the center of attention AND to have to sell myself...and that's basically the position I put myself in for 3.5 days - and over something as extremely personal as my art. I'm really lucky my husband came with me to be my hype guy and keep my spirits up when I wanted to run away because my shyness/social anxiety started getting the best of me. Hanging in there was so worth it, though. I am so excited to have my work in stores across the country! I made some great connections and I can see so many opportunities to share more of my art with people in the future! We're getting back into our (new!!) normal routine in NC. For example, yesterday we went to the farmer's market in the morning and got Indian takeout for dinner (old normal), and this morning I woke up and found an email order from NSS in my spam folder in my inbox, so I adjusted my spam filter settings and ran upstairs to package that order (new normal)!

thanks to the delightful doreen (http://www.bobanduncle.com/) for the picture!!

NSS setup day 1!

i should start by noting that day 0 involved a 13h travel day from raleigh, NC to NYC to unload the van, and then to doylsetown, PA to stay the night with my cousin and his family. they fed us a great home-cooked meal and we had a fun miniature jam session around midnight before craaaashing. anyway, that was a lost day. it's behind us now.

FRIDAY! friday really was day 1. we woke up in PA and enjoyed an extraordinary homemade cappuccino before heading down to fred's breakfast club for some grub. guys. fred's breakfast club. i wish i could adequately describe how fun it was... or just how nice our few hours spent in PA were. it was just the lull we needed between stressful packing, driving, unpacking, and setup!

after breakfast, we took the NJT from trenton, NJ to penn station in NYC and dropped our stuff off at our hotel, then it was off to the javits! we got a couple of coats of paint on my walls, assembled our ikea "table" and i blocked out the mural i'm putting on my back wall to lure people into my booth. we got all of our friday setup goals accomplished in a reasonable amount of time so we rewarded ourselves with lots of sushi & sake! CELEBRAAAAATE!

everything hits at once

this past weekend i worked reeeally hard to get every painting finished, scanned, dust and cat fur removed (oh. my. god.), and uploaded to the printer! a marathon painting and scanning day sunday, an entire monday spent in a coffee shop overhearing terrible conversations, a sore wrist from attempting to use the mouse pad instead of an actual mouse for the first dozen cards, and one (ok, three) minor meltdown later... everything has been uploaded! the lady at the print shop said i should be able to review proofs as early as thursday this week! i am so anxious to see the final product you guys. YOUGUYS.

in the meantime, after i get home from long days at my real job (you know, the one that pays me?), i'll be resizing images for a catalog to take to NSS and an online store (launching in june)! here's what that looks like: