has anyone else been feeling helpless/afraid/anxious/nauseous/frustrated/baffled/pissed since november? oh, right, like >50% of voters? has anyone else been having as hard a time figuring out what to do with that energy? i've made calls to senators, i've written letters to senators and representatives, and most recently i made a baby onesie/toddler shirt design for cotton bureau and they actually liked and accepted and are going to print! my design is for mini resisters. our open-hearted, curious, loving kids who we are going to have to explain all this shit to one day. you can get a toddler shirt or onesie in lavender, lime, and white, and i'm donating 50% of my profits to the ACLU.
shop the design here : https://cottonbureau.com/kids/products/woke-bae